25th Silver Jubilee felicitation

I write on behalf of the Staff; Volunteers and Patients of Mobile Manna Foundation to rejoice with you on your 25th Silver Jubilee. This shows the miles you have traversed in your religious vocation and everyone within the ambience of mental health in Akwa Ibom State rejoices with you.
Father, to be more specific, the Staff; Volunteers and Patients of Mobile Manna Foundation who are privileged to be fathered and cared for by you remain appreciative for God’s faithfulness towards your life that He has preserved to see this day. It could be said that, He has seen your contributions in the church and to humanity at large and that He has decided to bless you with this long years in His vineyard. May, His name be praised forever, Amen.
Father, on this special day, We honour your priestly anniversary and express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering service. Your dedication in mental healthcare delivery, humility in services of God and love for humanity are example to us all. We celebrate the remarkable journey of your Priesthood and the countless lives you have touched with your compassion, wisdom and faith in the church, school and most specifically in the Mental Home.
Patients, within and outside the Foundation’s premises that you have provided them with shelter; medication, clothes, food and pastoral counseling are presently sound and healthy to enjoice with you on your Silver Jubilee. They sincerely ask God to bless you with sound health and resources for the dream of having a world class mental facility to be achieved.
May God continue to bless you abundantly and guide you as you shepherd His flock both in the Church, University and Pilgrim Home. You shall continue to have our prayers and best wishes. We appreciate your love and care. Happy Silver Jubilee, Our Father.
Yours in the Service of God and Humanity,
Godwin Ekenene
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