1. Membership in the Foundation is open to all men and women of goodwill, irrespective of their creed, color, religion, and nationality.
  2. All intending members shall express their intention in the Membership Application Form to be provided by the Foundation.
  3. Membership will mainly be accepted from the professionals in the following fields
    (a)    Pastoral ministry (priests and religious).
    (b)    Health services (e.g. mental health experts, medical doctors, psychiatrists, and nurses).
    (c)    Security Services (military and police officers)
    (d)    Nutritional and hospitality experts (those with a background in food industries and hotel management)
  4.  The Board of Trustees shall examine the applicants and those considered suitable by the board would be admitted into the Foundation.
  5. Successful applicants shall be intimated in writing by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
  6. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees reserves the right to admit or dismiss any member in consultation with the Board.