Available and Committed!

The Mobile Manna Foundation considers nourishment to be a fundamental need of every human person. There is no sickness that should compel a human person to eat from the dumpsites. We are committed to eliminating this ugly sight in many developing countries.

To this end, we are committed to providing nourishment, whether alimentary, intellectual, spiritual, or cultural to the less privileged, with a preferred option for the mentally ill persons. This nuisance must be turned into an opportunity for self-development. We remove the abandoned mentally ill persons from the streets, treat them medically in a community-based facility and empower them economically in our skills acquisition centers.

In MMF, hope is available for the hopeless, and there is a brighter light at the end of a dark tunnel. Our strength lies in our commitment to the religious and human needs of every human person. This is a way we can make the world more humanizing and just for all. Our collective commitment can change the world and raise the bar of hope!

Aims and Objectives:

  1. To provide physical nourishment to mentally sick people at the points of contact with them, with a view to removing them from the streets.
  2. To initiate a human relationship with the mentally sick and abandoned people in society.
  3. To re-integrate the abandoned people into the orthodox and non-orthodox health care system.
  4. To rehabilitate the mentally sick people, by providing them with basic human needs – housing, clothing, and feeding.
  5. To create an avenue for the family reunion of the recovered mentally sick people.
  6. To protect the right of the mentally sick and thus guarantee a dignified death and burial.
  7. To operate “Alimentary Banks” in different parts of the country to facilitate free distribution of food items to refugees, wayfarers, immigrants, handicapped and indigent people generally.
  8. To provide Mensa in various campuses across the nations, in order to assist the less privileged students as a mean of reducing their mental stress.
  9. To enhance human rights and democracy in order to foster development and prevent the spread of sickness and famine.